Thursday 13 June 2013

The Birth of Dandy's Bow ties

Well Today I started to upload my bow ties that IV been making on to a little etsy shop and if things go well than I will set up a website.

It’s not easy being the designer, maker, photographer and tea maker but I thought hell to it and I love love love making bow ties so I’ll tell you the story of the last year, think I’ll make a tea first.

Ok I’ve made my tea, pinched a mint humbug from my mum and managed to insult her to by saying how slow she is on the computer, sorry mum! But back to the story.

I did live with a wonderful man, lovely home, crazy adorable schnauzer and two little wiggles (guinea pigs), I also had a studio at the weyhill fairground in Andover and it pretty much all went to shit but I will only blame myself, now most people would think it bonkers to air your laundry online but this isn’t sordid, there is a method to my madness.

I have extremely bad anxiety and I can either stay crawled under my duvet or I can put my cards on the table and say yes I know I screwed things up but I’m ready to start again.

Life was supposed to go into a successful business, relationship blossom and things develop from there but I got tired of the negativity in the relationship I can’t give more than my all! the studio at weyhill fairground is just a bitching spot for women of a certain age to spend their time and money (does not apply to all) and the stress of trying to please everyone and not have the balls to do things my way lead me down a path of shit!

I did feel bad for how things were left but I’m pretty sure people aren’t losing sleep over me in the way I do and I’m tired of it so as far as things go from here I’m looking to find my own place, learn how to drive and work as a freelance textile designer with a studio at home so I don’t have Tom, Dick and Harry constantly harassing me 24/7.

I’m very lucky to have some celebrity friends and at my lowest point I mentioned I didn’t have anything so I wasn’t worth anything and she replied,

so you have lost everything material wise, you have no home, no spouse, no children that makes you incredibly powerful, you have no ties and you can take your life in whatever direction you please and only answer to yourself.

I had always had to think of the whole equation now it’s just me, no falseness, nothing but me.

I want people to read this and I want you to know not very many people understand depression and anxiety and there’s no point it trying to explain it to them just pop the pills the doctor gives you and start laughing along with the rest of the world and most importantly set goals.

This was a problem at first I didn’t really have any unless you counted material things but that doesn’t count and then it came to "My goal is to trust myself"

I’m forever undermining myself yet I get frustrated with how stupid people are so I can’t be that bad and I will not be embarrassed of people seeing my work anymore unless it’s the disclosed stuff then I

can’t show you
 I’m going to expose myself and show off the world what I am which isn’t just a
chubby batshit crazy designer. So pacing yourself is a must and giving yourself time also no rebound relationships if you don’t think I could marry you tomorrow then stay clear.

So where are we up to now, come out talk to people you usually find they take the same pills or know someone that does, set goals, take your time, don’t make rash or important descions when hyped up and eat healthy and stay fit apparently 10,000 steps a day is enough to keep you fit and star weight loss so you will need to pluck up the courage and go outside! Oh yeah and always see the positive trust me it works!

So just started designing freelance again even entered an online comp just to get back into the swing of things and also setup an online shop on etsy selling bow ties, now about that.

I was taught by the queen of bow ties she owns fabricraft and I was obecessed with making these bow ties! I do have an obsessive personality and am pretty much an all or nothing lady, but she uses basic cheap quilting cottons and turns them into novelty bow ties, her shop was always decorated for Christmas and I just loved the bonkerness ocd ness of the place and everything had a see through box with a label on, she mainly supplies swagger and swoon which is another bow tie inspiration online shop. I loved getting handed a pile of fabric and coming back with perfect bow ties well you should have seen the first lot, they were a joke but lining up the tartans and stripes just became an obsession! I fell in love! Bow tie making made me happy and I’m totally awful at pattern cutting etc clothes but these were just right and just enough time before I lost my scatty concentration and final object accomplished satisfaction! so next part is an amazing family moved in next door to my studio tuomuro and it is an art photography studio, just check the link out and Phil Evans who takes the pictures is adorable then his wife Helen who is the sweetest lady you will ever meet with the most amazing eyes and boobs but it was the son Andy who is a massive inspiration, he is only 21 and was being treated for cancer and I’ve never met anyone with so much determination in my life! He also caught the bow tie fever which isn’t treatable and setup a company with the bow tie queen called Mrs. Bow tie which is massive worldwide! He took a simple technique sublimination i.e. you print off an image and heat press it onto any synthetic fabric, he creates lots of 50s inspired patterns and even did a re-creation of the popular dr who bow ties so it’s really cool stuff and he is a business tyrant and won’t let anything stand in the way, they even have some of my paisley designs (you still haven’t paid me for) and they look quite cool however my heart will always lie with silk, cotton, linens, tweeds, wools, leathers, furs I just love quality and I love even more British quality.

Since school I have been collecting amazing silks, furs, leathers ad vintage fabrics and stored them away never to be seen but it got to the ridiculous point and I might as well use my knowledge and my passion, I can’t and won’t recreate printed anything’s like Mrs. bow tie, I don’t like cheap quilting cottons so why don’t I promote the textiles of this country which most people don’t know about, the whit church silk mill has just reopened but we have others that not only weave their own fabrics but dye the threads to and I really encourage you to see these amazing processes and the leathers and sheep skins, bi products from our huge food supply and the wools they are firstly hand reared as tiny lambs etc then nurtured, shaved, treated, dyed, spun then woven but I can promise you these items will last a life time and open up more jobs any way bla bla I’m sounding to excited, my nipples are getting hard so I know to tone it down (I’m joking) hang on tea break! I’m back

So after being over whelmed with inspiration from these other girls and guys I just had to set up Dandy’s and I also make little tiny leather bow clips for dogs which are uber cute.

So where do I go from here well looking for a home for myself is first priority not sure where I want to move t but a place where there is allot more shops, tea rooms, artist community and idyllic so there’s allot around the south I’m sure I’ll find my perfect pad and also now looking forward to my best friend’s wedding as I’m going to be a bridesmaid so I definitely need to get into shape for that! Well thanks for reading and hope is cheered your miserable little face up, no seriously don’t be weighed down by depression and anxiety talk about it it’s an instant relief!

Good night and here are some Bow ties added to today’s lot, hoping you love them!
love me buy me!
1950s abstract yellow stripe love me buy me!

Multicoloured tartan Love me buy me!

Navy and olive check, Love me buy me!

"TABASCO" exclusive! Love me buy me!

Airdale terrior! Love me buy me!